"I don't care" is such a common phrase nowadays. It's used for trivial matters, in response to which TV show we want to watch before bed, or which restaurant we eat at. This is acceptable. Trivial matters require trivial responses, and going to IHOP is not going to drastically change the trajectory of your life.

But it has become a response to nearly everything, even questions of a life-altering scale.

"Do you want a promotion?"

"It doesn't matter to me, whatever happens, happens."

"Do you want to have a child?"

"I don't know, I guess we'll see if we get pregnant."

"What do you think happens after death?"

"I don't care, I'll be dead."

Such a lack of discretion is detrimental to our souls. 

Getting a promotion could lead to more stress and time away from your family. It could also lead to greater benefits and more vacation time. The balance of these things matters in your personal and spiritual life. 

Your choice to have a child will not only impact you and your partner, but also the child. It is not a choice to be left up to chance. A child should be wanted, loved and born into a loving family. Not one that is so flippant as to treat a child as a flipped coin.

The end is nearer than we think. Death should be at the forefront of our minds. To casually claim that it is something we should not prepare for is worse than actually succumbing to it. 

There is such a lack of intentionality in the words "I don't care". Do you not care who you serve? Would you not like to know whether what you are doing is the will of the god of this world, or our Father in heaven? You should always care. 

Casting the words "I don't care" out into the wind is more pointless than saying nothing at all. They do not convey trust. There is no declaration of faith. It is almost as of to say "The will of the Lord is nothing I will strive towards; I will let this world have its way with me,"

Apathy is offensive to God. As His creation, we should always be mindful of our words and actions, and do our best to ensure that they are aligned with His will. 

What can we replace this apathetic, baseless, and faithless phrase with?

"Thy will be done."

It serves not only as an intentional phrase, but a short prayer. It puts us in alignment with God's plan and reminds us of what we should strive towards. It reminds us to pray about every decision we face.

To pray for a promotion and work hard towards that goal, is better than leaving it up to chance. If you do not put in the effort to get the promotion, and the opportunity passes you by, you will never know if it was God's intention for you. Conversely, if you do work hard, but are passed over, it is easier to see the path God wills you to take.

To pray for a child is to place your heart in God's hands. If you conceive after such prayers, and bear many children, you know God has blessed you. If not, you may find that it is in His will that you look into other means of forming your family, and adopt. Or, you may see it as a sign to remain childless, especially if you did not know whether or not parenthood was your calling.

Seeing death as our ultimate end, we will live better every day until we meet it. If you "don't care" about death, you will end your life with regret. There will be words unsaid, deeds undone, and your apathy will lead to your ultimate suffering. 

To care about death is to care about life, and the way you are living. Caring about death results in kindness. It results in dutiful work. It results in a greater expression of love. It results in faithfulness and prayer. Death is compassion upon us all, if we chose to acknowledge it.

So, please, for your sake: care. Do not be convinced that being uncaring is acceptable. This world is cold and unfeeling. Though it is uncaring towards us, we are called to be better than this world. Care about the big things, and the small ones. Do not let it consume you, but be watchful of your words and your heart. Pray, speak, and act with intention. And most importantly, look for God in all you do.

Lord, Thy will be done.